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Still sitting around with the buddies. Becky might be moving in. Which I think is fantastic news. She’s a stilt walker, circus performer and prop maker. She alters her own clothes, and all that sort of stuff. Frank’s an animator, Mary plays music, Sin...

Extra Monday

My brother Eamon was hired to be an extra in a TG4 production known as Ealu II, a series of recreations of famous prison breakouts from Irish prisons, mostly during the early 20th century (That’s 1900’s) It features stories from both male and female...

Money Wednesday

So what’s the usual run down of money Wednesday I hear no one ask. Well, I usually go down to the post office to get my money, however since Sin got on the dole (finally) so we went down, she signed on, and we went for a pint. Which became 8 pints by the end of...