by DMcGirr | Jan 21, 2012 | Facial Hair, Politics, Real life sort of stuff
So I haven’t been to my local occupy event in a while now. It’s a small event, only running for a few hours on a Saturday. There’s no permanent encampment, not a lot of chanting goes on, not much in the way of flash mobbing. But it’s our group...
by DMcGirr | Mar 11, 2011 | Facial Hair, Photo projects
What’s Today’s thing? My haircut. I feel like myself again. It seems easy to lose your identity in this Cosmopolis. Also, the checkout girl complimented me. Win.
by DMcGirr | Apr 6, 2010 | Facial Hair
Sadly, the last beard update. Click through for the results. I may grow it again. I may not. If it ever gets long enough to be classed as a real beard, this website shall be the first to know.
by DMcGirr | Mar 9, 2010 | Facial Hair
Still growing strong. I’ll make it the year yet.
by DMcGirr | Feb 18, 2010 | Facial Hair
Remember when I said I loved getting eye tests? Here are the glasses I picked. Large, thick, and metal. I love em. And my vision is now in HD.
by DMcGirr | Feb 16, 2010 | Facial Hair
So, I’ve decided to grow a Lincoln beard for as long as I possibly can. If I manage to get to the end of the year, I’ll shave it on January First of 2011. Planning on updating once a week. Also… Kimberlee is not that into Valentine’s...