by DMcGirr | Feb 6, 2010 | Facial Hair
Before… Check out the jump for the… …After. Thinking about growing the beard for a year. It’s already at the 3 month mark. If I shave, I’ll let you all know.
by DMcGirr | Sep 28, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair
Ill. But having a great beard day.
by DMcGirr | Jun 15, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair
My sleep pattern is all over the place. I’m having trouble remembering which is am and which is pm at the moment. However, a picture for you. Reshaved my head and took off the mustache. It was irritating, and brushing crumbs all over the place. Any thoughts on...
by DMcGirr | Jun 10, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair, Love, Real life sort of stuff, Writing
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the mad carpenter. There’s big plans in the works for the near future, including branded clothing, custom coffins and even an advertising campaign BUT… Today we talk about something else. And the thing we talk about today...
by DMcGirr | May 17, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair
Eh? No chin beard. And some snazzy new pajamas (Pyjamas?) I’d never really considered wearing extra clothes to bed, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t nice and cosy when you wake up. Go buy some, they’re awesome.
by DMcGirr | May 16, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair
Getting well tired of this beard. It has begun to drive me nuts. I looked back, and I’ve had some sort of chin beard since February 17th or something. I’m going to shave it. *itch*