by DMcGirr | Jan 21, 2012 | Facial Hair, Politics, Real life sort of stuff
So I haven’t been to my local occupy event in a while now. It’s a small event, only running for a few hours on a Saturday. There’s no permanent encampment, not a lot of chanting goes on, not much in the way of flash mobbing. But it’s our group...
by DMcGirr | Sep 9, 2011 | Politics, Real life sort of stuff, Writing
I don’t usually post political stuff to this blog, so I may need for you all to indulge me. I’m pretty vocal on my Twitter, Google Plus and Facebook accounts when it comes to politics, especially American politics. The main reason behind my fascination is...
by DMcGirr | Feb 21, 2011 | Photography, Real life sort of stuff
This weekend was a blast. We (Kimberlee, the boy and myself) all went to to the 18th Annual Scottish Festival & Games and it was a blast. However there will first be some pictures that I’ve taken over the course of the week, because after all this is a...
by DMcGirr | Jan 2, 2011 | Love, Real life sort of stuff
It’s the love of my life Kimberlee! Yay! She’ll be here with me until the morning of the 7th. Thanks for coming to visit me Kimberlee, I love that you came over here to meet all my people.
by DMcGirr | Dec 7, 2010 | Love, Real life sort of stuff, Writing
So, there’s this thing called National Novel Writing Month and I entered. National Novel Writing Month is held over the course of November, and you’ve got 30 days to write a 50,000 word novel. I entered, with an idea that I’ve had for a while and I...
by DMcGirr | Nov 12, 2010 | Love, Real life sort of stuff
Hey everybody! You guys remember Kimberlee? Of course you do, if you know me at all I never shut up about her. Today, the 12th, is our anniversary. On this day last year, we met in person for the first time. You can go and look if you want, it’s all there in...