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Zinc Saucier Edition 11 – Steak Casserole

Hey look ma and Kimberlee, vegetables. Ok so this one is relatively easy. I realized that a pepper sauce that involves a dairy product is nasty as all hell. So I replaced the dairy product with red wine. And it worked like a charm. It’s a very simple recipe, so...

Zinc Saucier Edition 10 – Breakfast Burrito

I hear you all out there saying: “Dave, all you make is dinner. Make something else” And this morning that is exactly what I did, so welcome, to the breakfast burrito! We start with the greatest ingredient nature has yet given us. Bacon! Yay Bacon! I...

Zinc Saucier Edition 9 – Calzone

Today we make a a pizza pocket. Simple as that. Well not quite that simple. So this recipe was a bit of a mixed success. I didn’t like the taste of the cheese combination I used, Sinead wasn’t a fan of the sauce. So I’ll have to perfect it at a later...

Zinc Saucier Edition 8 – Fried Chicken and Biscuits

We have a bona-fide success from the kitchen: Fried chicken and biscuits. Or scones, if you’re not American. Doesn’t that look delicious? The recipe for biscuits is easy enough, in fact I did a post about them. Which apparently I’ve pinged back to...

Zinc Saucier Edition 7 – Steak Pie

Let me just say right off the bat, this turned out much better than the peppered steak. But it isn’t peppered steak so let’s move along with this. For the first time ever I used a crockpot, and for the first time ever I made pastry. Each turned out fine,...

Zinc Saucier Edition 6 – Peppered Steak

For the first time in my trek through the world of better food have I come up short, and only partially enjoyed the food. The main problem I had with this dish was the smell. I know exactly what it was, and I will be sure to leave it out next time. Creamy peppercorn...