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For the first time in my trek through the world of better food have I come up short, and only partially enjoyed the food. The main problem I had with this dish was the smell. I know exactly what it was, and I will be sure to leave it out next time.

Creamy peppercorn sauce. It smelled absolutely foul and it really put me off the meal. I still ate it, and it tasted fine… but it would have been so much better without that damn smell. I bought a little carton of pre-made sauce and I really shouldn’t have. Next time I use a spice packet, or just go from scratch.

Anyway, on to a picture. Brief details after the jump.

So here’s the basic run down of how I made this.

1. Brown finely chopped steak
2. Heat up the sauce in a separate pan
3. Put meat into the sauce, save the meat grease
4. Add flour and water alternately to make gravy
5. Add gravy to the sauce along with a dissolved stock cube
6. Peel and boil potatoes. Boil for about 20-25 minutes
7. Mash potatoes, adding milk and butter if desired
8. Serve both potatoes and meat/sauce

I don’t suggest using pre-made sauce. But then again, I’ve always hated creamy or milky sauces. Maybe this is your thing, maybe it isn’t.

Next time I make something like this it’ll be seasoned to my tastes, and it’ll be a pie.
Now, to figure out how to make pastry…