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Little Moments in America #11

500 – 1,000 dollars a piece… We decided to go down the street and get some 5 dollar malts. For pictures of my malt, and some antique and vintage stuff, click the link. There’s two glasses worth of strawberry malt in there. With real chunks of...

Extra Monday

My brother Eamon was hired to be an extra in a TG4 production known as Ealu II, a series of recreations of famous prison breakouts from Irish prisons, mostly during the early 20th century (That’s 1900’s) It features stories from both male and female...

Writing Thursday

Spent most of the day writing. Transferring formats between a short story and a TV pilot. It’s going quite well. I’ve never actually done anything like this before, and I think it’s going well. It’s called “Blood, Fire and Spades in...

Back home

After three weeks, I’m back at home, having a sit down. Wonderful beef cobbler dinner, a few cans, watching tv with the kin. It’s nice. The surround sound in the sitting room is buzzing, I have a list of chores to take care of, which include unblocking a...