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Zinc Saucier Edition 10 – Breakfast Burrito

I hear you all out there saying: “Dave, all you make is dinner. Make something else” And this morning that is exactly what I did, so welcome, to the breakfast burrito! We start with the greatest ingredient nature has yet given us. Bacon! Yay Bacon! I...

Zinc Saucier Edition 3 – Sloppy Joes

A nice down home country, easy as… sloppy joes recipe for all you food fans out there. Sloppy Joes are a fantastic twist on the regular old burger. The basic premise of the sloppy joe is that it’s a loose meat burger with ketchup mixed in. That’s it,...

Zinc Saucier Edition 2 – Pierogi [Polish dumplings]

So anyone familiar with this blog will know that from time to time, that I like to cook. (Here’s proof) Now, on to the second Zinc Saucier post. I had heard the name Pierogi thrown out on one of my favourite shows Corner Gas and after a little research I found...

Barbecue Tuesday

I’ve called today Barbecue Tuesday because I’m tired of people typing BBQ, and not actually knowing how to spell the word Barbecue. That and I made myself a barbecue steak for dinner. Just slather it in the sauce and fry it up. Fry on high at first to seal...