by DMcGirr | Oct 1, 2010 | Food
Hey look ma and Kimberlee, vegetables. Ok so this one is relatively easy. I realized that a pepper sauce that involves a dairy product is nasty as all hell. So I replaced the dairy product with red wine. And it worked like a charm. It’s a very simple recipe, so...
by DMcGirr | Aug 9, 2010 | Food
For the first time in my trek through the world of better food have I come up short, and only partially enjoyed the food. The main problem I had with this dish was the smell. I know exactly what it was, and I will be sure to leave it out next time. Creamy peppercorn...
by DMcGirr | Mar 24, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair
I’ve called today Barbecue Tuesday because I’m tired of people typing BBQ, and not actually knowing how to spell the word Barbecue. That and I made myself a barbecue steak for dinner. Just slather it in the sauce and fry it up. Fry on high at first to seal...