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Hat Week Day 5: Tricorner Hat

Hello and welcome to the recommencement (that word is a lot longer than I thought it was) of hat week. Today we look at probably the strangest hat in my collection: A tri-corner hat. I had fancied one for ages, but the ones that I found online were either too...

Fix it day

If I look contented in this picture, it’s with good reason. I love doing things, especially handyman sort of things, so today, after getting back from collecting some money from the government; which had been lying in the post office since last Thursday, and no...

The Mario Cube: Phase 2

Welcome to the second installment of the Mario Cube project. When I last updated youse, the box was a mere skeleton. But now, the box is covered in skin, the hinges are installed, and the construction phase of the box is done. All that’s left to do is to  phase...

1 UP! The Mario Cube Project

Hello St. Louis! That is, if there’s anyone out there from St. Louis reading this… Anyway, you may have been wondering: why, on a blog called “the mad carpenter” has there not been any carpentry? Well, today there is. This project is titled...