by DMcGirr | Feb 5, 2011 | Food
This has got to be one of the simplest recipes I’ve done thus far on the Zinc Saucier, so much so that I don’t even have to send you to after the jump for the steps. Just a pic and some steps. Bing Bang Bosh. 1. Make or procure breadcrumbs. 2. Finely chop...
by DMcGirr | Jan 16, 2011 | Food
Oh man, this is a good one. I’ve wanted to make pulled pork for a while and since I’m going to be cooking for Kimberlee again, very soon, I’d better get some more recipes. How good does that look? Click through for the recipe, more pictures, and a...
by DMcGirr | Jul 12, 2010 | Food
So anyone familiar with this blog will know that from time to time, that I like to cook. (Here’s proof) Now, on to the second Zinc Saucier post. I had heard the name Pierogi thrown out on one of my favourite shows Corner Gas and after a little research I found...
by DMcGirr | Apr 16, 2009 | Stuff, Table Polishing
Why hello there and welcome to Edition 1 of… The Mad Carpenter cooks. Or – The Zinc Saucier. Name the reference, get a shout out. I’ve wanted to cook home style southern Biscuits for ages. It’s something that’s been cemented into my...