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Oh man, this is a good one. I’ve wanted to make pulled pork for a while and since I’m going to be cooking for Kimberlee again, very soon, I’d better get some more recipes.

Pulled Pork

How good does that look? Click through for the recipe, more pictures, and a bonus.

1. Get yourself about a pound of pork (Feeds 4-5 people)
2. Slather generously with barbecue sauce, wrap tight in plastic wrap and allow to marinade for 3-12 hours
3. Place pork in the crockpot. I cut it into quarters beforehand, but that was pretty unnecessary.
4. Add 1-2 cups of barbecue sauce, a can of tomato puree and a little water. I used too much water, so take it easy, and make sure the sauce is well blended together before putting it in the crockpot.
5. Turn crockpot on and leave for anywhere between 8 and 12 hours, checking the level of the liquid and stirring occasionally. Very occasionally, no more often that every 4 hours.
6. Remove the meat from the sauce, and break the meat apart with 2 forks, this is the easy part. If you didn’t remove the fat at the start, now is the time to do it. Remove the fat before you apply the marinade because removing it now is a pain.
7. Put the (pulled) pork back in the crockpot and mix well into the sauce; the result will look like this.

Crock-pot pork

Serve on a burger bun, dinner roll, pretty much anything. It’s actually good on it’s own, eaten with a fork. If you want to go the way I did then serve with steakhouse fries, onion rings and a crisp lager.

Now, the bonus I mentioned above? It’s this.

I made this a while ago, and never got around to giving it it’s own post. The thing is, I made is with pre-whipped cream, instant jelly (jell-o), pre-made sponge…

It wasn’t really made from scratch, but it was still good. I’ll see about making one from scratch some day, and then I’ll give y’all a good trifle recipe.

Take it easy kids, and make you some pulled pork.