by DMcGirr | Jun 2, 2009 | 365 project
I may have shaved my head, but I’m still going to wear my hats. Although the fedora is now slightly too big and I’ve had to put on a snood underneath it. It slightly self defeating: shaving your head to keep it cool, then wearing two hats, but I’m...
by DMcGirr | Apr 7, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair
This post doesn’t relate directly to hats, but if you look back at Hiatus day 1, then you’ll realise something similar is going on in this post. Taken this morning. For a more recent picture from today look below the jump. That’s right! I got a...
by DMcGirr | Mar 29, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair
Hello there and welcome to the hat week hiatus day. I’d like to take a few moments of your time to talk about hat hair. My hair has been getting steadily longer since the last time I cut it, which was pretty early on this year… or maybe it was last...
by DMcGirr | Mar 24, 2009 | 365 project, Facial Hair
I’ve called today Barbecue Tuesday because I’m tired of people typing BBQ, and not actually knowing how to spell the word Barbecue. That and I made myself a barbecue steak for dinner. Just slather it in the sauce and fry it up. Fry on high at first to seal...