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Hello there and welcome to the hat week hiatus day.


I’d like to take a few moments of your time to talk about hat hair. My hair has been getting steadily longer since the last time I cut it, which was pretty early on this year… or maybe it was last year… I don’t think I’ve cut my hair since I started the blog actually… Getting sidetracked.

Hat hair. It’s apparently one of the reasons that hats are in decline these days, owing to the fact that people are putting much more stock into their hair. Personally I say hat hair be damned, but that’s not going to work for everyone reading this.

It’s pretty simple really: If you’re really worried about hat hair, don’t wear a hat. If you really love hats, your hair isn’t as important as your hats. But there is a crowd of people out there that want to wear hats, but hate hat hair, so for youse: some tips.

1. Buy a light hat. Heavier hats, such as top hats and bowlers, tend to leave a ring around your head where they sit. Buy a straw or canvas hat so the hat is sitting on your hair, not pushing it down.

2. Make sure your hair is dry. If you put a hat on wet hair then it’ll dry in the hat hair position and stay like that all day.

3. Consider a hair cut. Wash your hair, let it dry, put the hat on and talk a walk to your barber or hair stylist. Get them to cut your hair in a style that you like, that’s also hat friendly.

Those are your main tips for today, and doesn’t my hair look good?
I think it does.