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Hat Week Day 3: Bowler hat

Welcome to day three of hat week, and day one of Dave going on about his injuries. That’s right, this morning I fell while walking down the hill. I twisted my ankle, cut my elbow, there’s some swelling in my knee and my shoulder is absolutely killing me....

February 1st

The party lasted long into the night, and over spilled into the wee hours of Sunday morning. I think we didn’t get to bed until 7AM. So a good time was had by all. Especially me. And I know I’m back dating these, but I’m lost my camera cable. Only...

January 30th

And now we’re up to date again. I’m not starting fashion week again, I just thought I’d show off one of my suits, I’m going to a party tomorrow. Might wear this, might not. A dark shirt would look better and twinned with a light tie…...

Filler day 4

Stupid friggin’ formatting. This picture of an example of why you shouldn’t take pictures during a drinking contest, when you have a vendetta.