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BP Saturday

New summer clothes. Army Olive Drab is really in this season. I got a cadet cap to match and everything.


I may have shaved my head, but I’m still going to wear my hats. Although the fedora is now slightly too big and I’ve had to put on a snood underneath it. It slightly self defeating: shaving your head to keep it cool, then wearing two hats, but I’m...

Hat Week Day 5: Tricorner Hat

Hello and welcome to the recommencement (that word is a lot longer than I thought it was) of hat week. Today we look at probably the strangest hat in my collection: A tri-corner hat. I had fancied one for ages, but the ones that I found online were either too...

Hat Week Day 4: Ushanka

Welcome to day 4 of hat week. Today’s hat is a much more seasonal number, generally a winter hat and very, very snuggly warm on the head. I call it the Mad Russian. It has ear flaps that can be worn up or down: there’s a little clip that connect them...