Welcome to day 4 of hat week. Today’s hat is a much more seasonal number, generally a winter hat and very, very snuggly warm on the head. I call it the Mad Russian.
It has ear flaps that can be worn up or down: there’s a little clip that connect them either on the top, as in the picture, or clipped under the chin to keep the wind out. I think you’l agree that it looks a lot more stylish than the usual beanie hats that people wear to keep the cold out, and it’s actually a little less restrictive on the head.
I bought it in Dunnes Stores, an Irish chain store, selling clothes, food, liquor, furniture, home wares… whatever you need really. It was in the impulse buy section near the clothing checkouts, and at 10 euros I couldn’t help but buy it. It was marked “Once size fits all”, and I was wary because generally that means “One size doesn’t fit Dave” but it snugged right on there, and kept my head nice and toasty all winter.
While Dunnes sold them in November of last year, I doubt that they still sell them. Various styles are available at various prices on eBay my favourite of which being the following
So to all those who fancy a big hairy hat, or it’s just a bit chilly where you live, get yourself a trooper hat. The Russians call it an Ushanka.
In case you’re wondering why I’m smiling: yes I am still in pain, and yes Solphadine are awesome.