Welcome to day three of hat week, and day one of Dave going on about his injuries. That’s right, this morning I fell while walking down the hill. I twisted my ankle, cut my elbow, there’s some swelling in my knee and my shoulder is absolutely killing me. But enough about that, today’s hat.
Now, this is probably the least favourite of my hats, mainly because it’s not as tall as a derby hat which is what I was expecting when I bought it. However, when I fell today the hard felt of the hat stopped me cracking my head open, so I’m guessing it was a good choice. Lucky. If you want one of these bowlers follow the link. Though I would suggest getting this derby as I think it looks better.
As for my friends on the other side of The Atlantic, head on over to villagehatshop.com for all your hat needs. Some great stuff on there.
…I don’t work for either of these websites by the way, I just like their merchandise.