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Carandonagh Party

I could babble on and on about how Senan and Ruth were fantastic hosts, the poker game was great fun, we drank all the beer and whiskey, midnight pies and losing an argument with a barbed wire fence but the pictures speak for themselves. Very image heavy after the...

The Eve of St. Patrick

T’was the night before St. Pat’s and all through the house, everyone was stirring, all a bit soused. With pringles and pretzels, whiskey and wine, All made merry, all were … a tad plastered and some fella spiked his own drink with LSD while we were...

Filler day 1

Ok, so I hate blank spaces on the callender. And I said in a previous post that I’d fill in any blanks with pictures from my past. So The 17th. I look like a leprechaun, and I have a bottle of delicious whiskey. So goes the 17th. Maybe the 17th of every month...