by DMcGirr | Aug 21, 2010 | Food
Today we make a a pizza pocket. Simple as that. Well not quite that simple. So this recipe was a bit of a mixed success. I didn’t like the taste of the cheese combination I used, Sinead wasn’t a fan of the sauce. So I’ll have to perfect it at a later...
by DMcGirr | Aug 1, 2010 | Food
On this week’s culinary tour we go to Mexico for the wonderfully rich dish of Enchiladas Now I’ve seen a lot of recipes online for enchiladas, and there are a lot of variations. So when making your own enchiladas – Just wing it. Go with what tastes...
by DMcGirr | Jul 12, 2010 | Food
So anyone familiar with this blog will know that from time to time, that I like to cook. (Here’s proof) Now, on to the second Zinc Saucier post. I had heard the name Pierogi thrown out on one of my favourite shows Corner Gas and after a little research I found...