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The results of homebrewing

So several weeks ago I started the adventure of brewing my own beer. It’s been a lot of fun. This is the result: A yeasty, slightly fizzy cloudy lager. It’s marvelous. It could stand to be clearer, and fizzier, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t...

The Mad… Brewer?

So for a long time I’ve had this idea that I want to make my own beer. It’s cheaper (50 cents a beer), it’s a fun hobby, and it’s 100 other things. I had never had the gumption to do it, and something always got in the way. Not any more! I...

St Patrick’s Day

I’ll fill in this blog post later. But for now, I’m going to the pub. To the pub! [Insert Fun St. Patrick’s Pictures here] Yes the beer is green, and it wasn’t that bad. Two more images after the jump. Great...

The Thing of Today #4

So I’ve heard a lot today’s thing, so I couldn’t go without trying it. As far as I know, this beer has been most recently co-opted by hipsters as a sign of anti-cool. Because anti-cool is cool… or something. PBR is a big signal to the 30+...