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Hello again.


Now, in the Intro Piece I mentioned a 365 project that I was undertaking. It’s nothing new I suppose, and in some circles I’m sure it’s a little hack by now, but I wanted to do one anyway.

While Fumbling with the camera after a few beers on New Year’s Day, I decided, why not start a 365 project? If you care to follow the link, it give a tutorial and some info of how to take a photo a day.

I love photography, and why not take on a seemingly simple project that can be done pretty much anywhere, for around 20 seconds of your day. My facial hair changes a lot, so it’ll be interesting to track things like beard growth.

I’ll do little themes and stuff throughout the year to keep it interesting. And I’m moving soon, so we will see if the stress shows on my face over the moving days.

I started on January first, and it’s now essentially January 5th, so I’ll give you the first 4 photos below. So come on over, check it out. Watch me age.

I was born on January 5th around 2am. So I’m now 21 years old. I’m looking forward to seeing how this year turns out.


More picture after the jump.







I hope you enjoy following along. Tomorrow, My Birthday. And I’ll start posting some more interesting pictures once I get into the swing of this thing.