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Good Evening.

I, as you may have guessed from the name of this blog, am The Mad Carpenter. Let’s get some housekeeping out of the way first, I’m David, I’m Irish. It’s a new year, so it’s time to get off my duff and start a proper blog.

My reasons for starting this are as essentially two-fold.

1. To collect all the little fragments of what I’m doing all over the Internet into one place, so that my friends and prospective readers can witness my various endeavours; from My 365 project to my Lycan Poetry. I’ll also use this place to yell at various things, show off my hats, and maybe a few articles about my collection of glassware. For drinking you see. That’s the mad taken care of…

2. The carpentry. I have had a rather keen interest in wood working for many years, I took woodworking in High school for 5 years, and I used to watch my grandfather building and making things. Sadly he has developed Alzheimer’s and no longer has hit wits about him. I’m often told by family members that I must have inherited my love of making and doing from him. It’s sort of a family tradition I guess, amateur woodwork.

Every day, I get anywhere from 1 to 20 ideas of a project I’d like to do, something I’d like to design, a tool I’d like to buy… So why not do that here? I’m by no means a professional tradesman, just a schmoe with a saw and a bunch of ideas.

I’d guess I’d better get cracking.

And by the way: Table Polishing is a theatrical term. Two butlers would walk out on stage, talk loudly to inform the audience what was going on, while polishing a table. So any stuff like this, sort of bloggy info stuff, that’ll be called table polishing.