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Ash Wednsday

Cycled down to the post office today to look for my social welfare, alas, it’s not there until tomorrow, and I get a chunk of back pay, so Dave is on easy street this weekend. Dave is also going home this weekend, to a decent freakin’ camera. I only...

Did absolutely nothing today

Not a thing. Well, I finished reading the archive of a webcomic I started reading a few days ago. It’s really good and I suggest you all read it. But you know, be prepared to read back through 4 years of archive to get all the in jokes....

Meet the parents

No not my parents, Sin’s parents. And you don’t actually get to meet them, because I haven’t taken any pictures of them. We invited them over for dinner and a family friend, Craig, came over beforehand and cooked for them, and us. I got resoundingly...