by DMcGirr | Mar 27, 2010 | Engineering
Today, we have the welding test. It’s also our final day. It was a ten week course yes – but we missed one week, and did two double weeks, so there’s only 7 posts. I shall allow the pictures of my completed test pieces speak for themselves. Stick...
by DMcGirr | Mar 23, 2010 | Engineering
So before I’ve even finished my 10 day course, I’ve been accepted to a 6 week course. Unlike the last course (Manual Metal Arc Welding) this one will be Oxy-Acetylene welding. It requires different safety gear, such as the goggles pictured below. A picture...
by DMcGirr | Mar 20, 2010 | Engineering
Laying perfect weld is always awesome. However, today was a remarkably stressful day because next week is the test. Trying to get each and every weld perfect can really stress you out. And when you’re sitting or standing at the same table for hours in a boiler...
by DMcGirr | Mar 13, 2010 | Engineering
Today was a good day. We kept on welding the three composite runs the same as we were doing last week: One foundation run, and two further runs for strength. However there was a slight twist. We were welding a curved piece of metal, and I personally think it was...
by DMcGirr | Mar 6, 2010 | Engineering
Today was an awful day. It was long, hot, and difficult. What’s worse, I could not get into the swing of welding at all. Laying down loose welds, full of holes, spatter everywhere… Got many many sparks inside the helmet, got a spark right down my back....