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The First Beard Update

So, I’ve decided to grow a Lincoln beard for as long as I possibly can. If I manage to get to the end of the year, I’ll shave it on January First of 2011. Planning on updating once a week. Also… Kimberlee is not that into Valentine’s...

First Hair Cut Of The Year

Before… Check out the jump for the… …After. Thinking about growing the beard for a year. It’s already at the 3 month mark. If I shave, I’ll let you all know.


No more itch. And besides, it’s the first shower I’ve had since I got back. Needed to wash the smell of travel off me. Feels good.


Eh? No chin beard. And some snazzy new pajamas (Pyjamas?) I’d never really considered wearing extra clothes to bed, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t nice and cosy when you wake up. Go buy some, they’re awesome.