How good does that look?
This, like most crockpot recipes is very simple, but I was doing an experiment with this one, so I’ll go into the details on that after the jump.
For the record, in the picture above the dry is to the top left, and the wet is to the bottom right.
I wanted to test out two different methods for seasoning the ribs, one of them a dry rub, the other a wet barbeque sauce.
This is the dry rub.
When applying the dry rub I realized that it was a little… well dry. So I added some olive oil and made a paste, and that worked much better.
I left the meat in the fridge overnight and early in the morning I put it into the crockpot. I put the wet marinade meat at the bottom and the dry marinade resting on top. High for 8-9 hours worked out fine. I served with potatoes but Kimberlee had hers with corn on the cob and white rice. We each enjoyed our meal.
The end result was rather mixed, as you might expect. The pork that had the dry rub on it was certainly flavorful, slightly more so than the wet marinade, but the meat was less moist and fraction tougher. The bones still easily fell out of both.
All in all, I’m going with the wet marinade next time.