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…which involved no fighting, but some drinking. The reason I haven’t updated these last few days (It’s now the night of Thursday 19th) is because of both illness and the drinking associated with St. Patrick’s day, and the surrounding weekends and days. Lots of drinking.

In fact, I was drinking today. We went to a club… Red was over, along with Mary’s friend, who’s name now escapes me.

top hat, cowboy hat, fuzzy russian hat

top hat, cowboy hat, fuzzy russian hat

Red, Sin and…. EMMA! Emma? It’s Emma…

Edit: It’s Claire.

More party goodness and the picture of the day after the jump.



This is Mary, first appearance on the mad carpenter. I live with Mary and Sin.

David, me, fedora

David, me, fedora

And finally me. Went out to Milan night club, went deaf. Mediocre night.