by DMcGirr | Apr 28, 2010 | Engineering
This look familiar by any chance? If you’re a regular reader you’ll realize that this is the standard Arc welding test from Fas. And this time I’m happier with the outcome. Feeling good about it this time.
by DMcGirr | Apr 27, 2010 | Engineering
So I did all of my exercises for the day so I started playing around. I welded four piece together to make a box section, then I welder that to flat plate. Unlike gas welding, you only get one shot at an arc weld. I nailed every weld on the above picture. Water tight...
by DMcGirr | Apr 26, 2010 | Engineering
Doesn’t it look like I’m welding with pure silver? Those are some fine welds there. It’s just like riding a bike, you never forget. Just need a little practice.
by DMcGirr | Apr 23, 2010 | Engineering
Remember this? Well The Mad Welder is back. I’m back arc welding again. Man, I much prefer arc welding. Tomorrow, some pics of my progress. Getting close to the end now.
by DMcGirr | Mar 27, 2010 | Engineering
Today, we have the welding test. It’s also our final day. It was a ten week course yes – but we missed one week, and did two double weeks, so there’s only 7 posts. I shall allow the pictures of my completed test pieces speak for themselves. Stick...