by DMcGirr | Nov 7, 2016 | Nanowrimo, Short Story, Writing
A low wind blew the loose sand around the camp, sweeping it across the corrugated iron walls of Abel’s shack. His cough rattled loosely as he sat bolt upright, attempting to recall the last time he’d had a drink of clear water. “Tank”, he rasped at the other side of...
by DMcGirr | Nov 6, 2016 | Nanowrimo, Writing
Early in the choke, we didn’t understand what was going on. Many of us were children then, catching snippets of a changing world from our parents. We would fear each coming day. Not just being afraid, as children are, but we were filled with a dread of a monster that...
by DMcGirr | Nov 5, 2016 | Nanowrimo, Writing
Such beauty was rarely beheld by human eyes. Great swathes of vegetables growing bright and vibrant. Waves of grain stretched as far as the eye could see. He turned his palms downwards while walking forwards letting the husks brush against his palms. Their hard...
by DMcGirr | Nov 4, 2016 | Nanowrimo, Writing
Patton picked at the small pieces of ice that were beginning to form on his moustache as he stood above the ice breaking prow of the canal boat. The canal listed slightly from left to right as Lawrence moved his massive body along the length of the boat. Lawrence...
by DMcGirr | Nov 3, 2016 | Nanowrimo, Writing
Nothing that was poorly defended was ever worth stealing. The stuff they wanted to stop you from taking, now that had value. They’d lock it up, put it behind bars, surround the bars in plate steel, mount guns on it, and do everything possible to keep it out of your...
by DMcGirr | Nov 2, 2016 | Nanowrimo, Short Story, Writing
There are no ends on the earth. Each horizon is just a slice, keeping your mind in place, trying to prevent you from wandering too far. After the exodus started, some people decided that this was the slice for them, and that they weren’t moving. They started digging...