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Welding by Gaslight 7

Check it out. I welded a piece of pipe to a piece of plate, and the weld is water tight. It’s water tight, which generally means it’s gas-tight. And that’s what we’re looking for. Tune in for more progress.

Welding by Gaslight 6

You know…. sometimes it’s just not going your way and you can’t seem to get it together. So occasionally you make your own fun.

Welding by Gaslight 5

Here is the progression that I’ve been making since I started ths course. The joint on the left is a lap joint: connection two offset pieces by welding the edge of one to the middle of the other while both are parallel. The middle joint is a fillet weld: two...

Welding by Gaslight 4

Today the subject is butt welding. Yeah, laugh it up. Two pieces are place side by side and tack welded into place. A gap of at least 2mm needs to be left otherwise the weld won’t penetrate between the pieces, it’ll just stick on top. It’s easy...

The Mad Industrialist Part 7

Today, we have the welding test. It’s also our final day. It was a ten week course yes – but we missed one week, and did two double weeks, so there’s only 7 posts. I shall allow the pictures of my completed test pieces speak for themselves. Stick...