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Drinkin’ with Dave Episode 3

Welcome to the third episode of Drinkin’ with Dave. This week is mostly a discussion of the issues that we’re having with the Bock and what I did with the dark ale. I also drink the last dark ale, which is all the sweeter for being the last. Also 3 weeks...

Drinkin’ with Dave Episode 2

After a great deal of technical difficulties I’ve finally managed to upload the second episode of Drinkin’ with Dave. On the subject of beer we talk about bock brewing difficulties and the taste of my batch of ale. Enjoy and don’t forget to...

The Mad Carpenter Brews: First Vlog

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first video from the Mr Mad Carpenter youtube channel. I’ve often thought about vlogging and video work, so I figured there was no time like the present. I am already brewing beer, so I have a subject matter close to my heart...