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Dentist today. Got all jacked up on dentist grade face number and I had to go for a nap to sleep it off. There was a cancellation by another patient tomorrow, so I’m off for a scraping and some sort of polishing. Then back again in a few weeks to go through it...


This is the problem I encounter with the back posting, I forgot what I’ve been doing. I remember a basic outline of the week, but I don’t have the day to day details.


Preparations start today for this weekend’s project. I’ll post the sketchup model on Wednesday when I’ve got it finished. Got jerked around at the dentist this morning: they won’t give me any treatment without the little plastic medical card....

At Home Saturday

Oh so very tired. Taxing schedule these last few days. Dentist appointment on Monday. Joy of joys. Forgot my medical card letter and everything. It’s just one thing after another today…

Dentist Monday

Oh the crushing inevitability of another week. I went to the dentist this morning for the first time in years. If you want to hear about it, click after the jump. A chunk of what I assumed was my teeth came off in my mouth a few days ago and I got very freaked out...